About this event
Lacan's Seminar VI entitled Desire and its Interpretation. In this session, Lacan emphasises the protest value of perversion. As Jacques-Alain Miller points out in the back cover of the seminar in question, Lacan gives perversion "the value of a rebellion against the identifications that assure the maintenance of social routines". Even though this is a 1959 seminar, it is current since it announces "the revamping of formely established conformisms, and even their explosion".
"Lacan is talking about us", says Miller.
I will first follow the thread of this last session of Lacan's seminar, as well as the comments of Jacques-Alain Miller. I will then comment on the breakdown of the male norm, following Lacan's thread in seminars XIX and XX, to arrive at there is no sexual relation, a formula that privileges the One of jouissance, while denying the two of the relation.