Belief, Certainty, Invention
June 8th 2013 / 10.15am to 4pm / The Teachers’ Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Limited places available. Registration in advance is required by June 4th. Please note that payment at the door is not possible.
Fee: € 30 / € 15 (Students/Unwaged) – Includes Lunch & Tea/coffee
Please send a cheque, bank draft or postal order payable to ICLO-NLS to: Rik Loose, 4 Carlisle St, D8
Enquiries: info@iclo-nls.org
Certificates of attendance /receipts available on the day for collection
CANCELLATION: Bookings cancelled 2 days before the event will receive a full refund of money paid. There will be no refund on bookings cancelled less than 2 days before the event.