What is a Cartel?
Lacan invented this device as part of his response to “group effects” and aiming at a way of grouping and working in groups that would not be structured according to the logic of the army or the church as described by Freud in his “Group Psychology“: all members of the group putting the same object in the place of the Ego Ideal, narcissistically identified among themselves and following one. The notion of a leader is incompatible with the logic of a Cartel.
Anyone with an interest in Lacanian Psychoanalysis may get involved in Cartel work. There are no requirements (i.e memberships, qualifications, clinical practice) other than wanting to inscribe one’s singular relationship to Psychoanalysis within the framework of the structure described above, that is, to find, interrogate and follow one’s own trait in the reading of the texts.
If you are interested in forming / joining a Cartel in Ireland,
please contact: Alan Rowan and Tom Ryan
Responsible for Cartels
Further Reading on Cartels
– Lacan’s Founding Act from 1964, which demonstrates the centrality and importance of cartels in his
vision of a school of psychoanalysis.
– Five Variations on the Theme of “Provoked Elaboration” by Jacques-Alain Miller
– The Cartel in Lacan’s School by Philippe Lacadée
– Presentation at the SLP Congress in Milan, by Dominique Holvoet
– Some Points and Ideas Drawn from Frank Rollier’s “Le Cartel. A l’Envers de la Segregation“, Quart
d’heur des cartels, 2015, Lausanne. Presented by Rik Loose at the ICLO Inter-Cartel Day 2015
–The Cartel’s Whirlwind. Affinities Between the Cartel and Lacanian Psychoanalysis by Frank Rollier
- Elaboration on Some Points Drawn from Frank Rollier's "Le Cartel. A l'Envers de la Segregation"
Presented by Rik Loose at ICLO-NLS Cartel Study Day 2022